Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Did you know that mayans still exist? Seriously.

It brings me back to the days of sitting in history class, studying how the spaniards wiped out all of the Mayans, and at 25, I've only just discovered they still exist! Trust me, it was like Santa Claus all over again.
Guatemala: Though an exciting place to live (riding a bus can be like playing russian roulette), there is so much culture and color there. The architechture, somewhat influenced from Spain, was beautiful! To the left you see a traditional church in the town of Chimaltenengo. It lacks the grandiose butresses you would find on the Notre Dame, but has a lovely charm, no? Out in front is a boy playing soccer (futbol), there is a wonderful court yard that separates the church from an ornamated park, complete with locals selling their merchandise.

Though the architechture was one of the first things I noticed, I was there for a wedding!!! One of my best friends was getting married :) Amber and Wilfredo met and fell and love, and now they have they cutest child!

It all began a little something like this :) So we were there for a wedding, and though this departs from the theme of my previous political discussions, and despite the economic turmoil in Guatemala, I still can't believe mayan's exist!!! We got to visit some of the ruins, markets, and have the most wonderful wedding (boda :) )
Part of the Mayan Family my friend married into:

These cute girls were running around and peaking through the wedding. They wear typical mayan dress, with tons of colors. The back of their hair had braided colors in it. Absolutely lovely. Check out some more pictures of the trip:

The photo with the E's crossed out means one of two things: this particular photo I believe means no parking. However, there are signs with E's crossed out/pictures of a sombrero hat crossed out, which the Guatemalan's put on their building as a sign that they do not stand with the government. Similarly, there are sombrero's that are painted, or E's to show they are for the government. Interesting.... There are tons of lovely photos, when are you guys going to Guatemala?

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