Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And I'm back!!!

Jet sailing around the world, tis the life no?
If that were what I was doing :D But I did just get back from Poland and Ireland- and I wish I knew more ways to say BEAUTIFUL for Ireland. . . . beautiful beautiful beautiful. . . Cutie is to Japan like beautiful is to Ireland

All I can say is GO
As for Poland, it was an amazing experience- especially because of how much I learned about the concentration camps. It is hard to believe how far people will go to inflict that much hatred, also how much damage humans are capable of inflicting. Overpopulation seldom feels like a problem when we have cases of genocide that exist today. And this isn't over, there is genocide going on in the Sudan and Darfur every day- and more places than that. Even worse is that they aren't hiding it like the Germans did, it's easy to see but out government is unable to do anything just yet. Bills are being put into place, the UN has called for meetings, only time will tell when that genocide ends before the next one begins.

How humbling, to think how privileged I am to not know what it means to have no freedom. I have never been without food, my family is loving, I have had great experiences thus far in my life because I have taken many risks to achieve them; however, I have been fortunate to be in a place to dream those risks and where I want to go.

The complaints that I and most of the people have are small comparatively. It's good for me to see that stuff; the hard stuff, the not easily explained stuff. . . because how else will I create change and goodwill if I don't understand it.

My next adventure will be a little more light- I believe I am going to Zaragoza, Spain sometime between now and January. . . . I have 2 friends coming to visit in December
February I am going to Milan to go to the Venice Carnival that is held every year

Places I still want to go:
Budapest, Hungary

I know I am going to spain next summer too for the running of the bulls- so that will be GREAT

Now if only I can get a job to pay for all this :D . . . . and do some school work (agh it's hard to concentrate because you think about all this stuff here- where to go, what to see)
