Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

The day has finally arrived- after months of planning, stressing, dreaming . . . . I leave for London tonight!! And surely, I will be going from class to class to meeting as soon as I arrive- thankfully the weekend is not far away :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

The month in brief

This past week has been odd, with a sold car, and I have left my job, I have been left with nothing to do.
In short, my days consist of rereading books, watching movies, playing online games, and playing with my nephew. THe life, no? For someone as active as I, hell is very similar. I jest, it is nice to play with my nephew (beyond cute). Above and below are pictures of him. I lack the education to place them where I wanted, so my paragraphs are written around them :D

In other news:

A shitshow of events has been the latest in my quest to go to England... I will spare the details, and leave you short facts:

1. The government decided they needed extra certification from my school to allow me to get a loan.

2. I was finally able to apply for the loan Aug 24, and everything should go through, though it just hasn't yet.

3. School starts on Monday, and my VISA has not come in yet. I can't leave the country without this- and was supposed to be there 2 weeks ago. Alas, my feet are still planted in the US of A

I have a best friend in my nephew- life could be much worse. This time next week I should be in England, however, it's a weekly echo. But time is running out, so it must come true this week . . . .

"Great difficulties may be surmounted by patience and perseverence" Abigail Adams